Tuesday, September 8, 2020




 Task:  Watch 13th and take notes as you go (not collected) Then:

  • Blog post - 20 pts - Your reaction to what we watched.  Write about the following:
  1. What did you learn?
  2. What insights did it provide?
  3. What questions do you still have? 
 (5 sentence paragraph or more).

Reaction to others blog posts - 10 pts - React thoughtfully to others posts.  What did you think of what they said?  (Questions, wonderings, connections)  Write 2-3 sentences or more reacting to what they said.  TWO OR MORE OTHER STUDENTS' POSTS.

Related website -  5pts - list a website that will help us all dig deeper.  This could be about any connected topic you want; It can be about anything that relates.

Finally, explain your website.  What's it about and how does it relate? (1-2 sentences or more) (5 pts)

20pts - paragraph or more blog post
10 pts - reacting to others blog posts (2 or more) 
5 pts - a website (see above) 
5 pts - explanation of your website - how it relates
=40 pts