Friday, May 4, 2018

Reflections On Criminal Court Week at the Dauphin County Courthouse

Introduction:  For me, attending criminal court week at the Dauphin County Courthouse has been an amazing learning experience.   I've learned a lot, but what have you learned? 

Task:  Locate your legal pad that you took notes on during our observations during criminal court week. Review your notes.  Then:

Blog post - 10 pts - Your reaction to any of the cases we watched.  You can write about the courtroom, the lawyers, the witness, the judge, or anything that stood out to you.  Review the notes you took in the case to help guide you with this.(5 sentence paragraph or more).

Reaction to others blog posts - 10 pts - React thoughtfully to others posts.  What did you think of what they saw?  (Questions, wonderings, connections)  Write 2-3 sentences or more reacting to what they said.  

Related website - list a website that will help us all dig deeper.  This could be about any connected topic you want including anything. It can be about anything that relates (a similar story, a site about one of the charges, another case about the courthouse, etc...(5 pts)

Finally, explain your website.  What's it about and how does it relate? (1-2 sentences or more) (5 pts)

10 pts - paragraph or more blog post
10 pts - reacting to others blog posts (2 or more) 
5 pts - a website (see above) 
5 pts - explanation of your website - how it relates
=30 pts

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Vehicular Homicide?

Introduction:  We watched a lot of interesting litigation during our Criminal Court Week.  But what did we learn?  It’s time to take our notes and turn them in to learning. 

Task:  Share your personal reflections about what stood out to you in this trial.  It can be a part of the trial, a lawyer, the judge, a witness, something that was said...anything you feel it's important to share.

Directions: Write a 5 sentence paragraph or more blog post.  And write a reaction to two other blog posts from your classmates.

Blog post - 10 pts - Your reaction to the truck driver case experience.  You can write about the courtroom, the lawyers, the witness, the judge, or anything that stood out to you.  Review the notes you took in the case to help guide you with this.(5 sentence paragraph or more).

Reaction to others blog posts - 10 pts - React thoughtfully to others posts.  What did you think of what they saw?  (Questions, wonderings, connections)  Write 2-3 sentences or more reacting to what they said.  

Related website - list a website that will help us all dig deeper.  This could be about any connected topic you want including anything. It can be about anything that relates (a similar story, a site about one of the charges, another case about the courthouse, etc...(5 pts)

Finally, explain your website.  What's it about and how does it relate? (1-2 sentences or more) (5 pts)

10 pts - paragraph or more blog post
10 pts - reacting to others blog posts (2 or more) 
5 pts - a website (see above) 
total for this section (part 3 from our packet)
5 pts - explanation of your website - how it relates
=30 pts